Praise is Comely

Scripture Reading - Psalms 33:1 KJV

Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright

In today’s lesson we will remind ourselves that Praise is Comely. We are sure that most Christian’s know what “praise” is but for the few that don’t we will expound. When we speak of “praise” we are speaking specifically to “praising God Almighty”. This means “praise” should be going directly from your mouth to God’s Ears. The fact that there are three beings in the Godhead means we can praise them all at once by mentioning the Name of God in general or we can “praise” each one individually for being our family as in Our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit our Comforter and Teacher. We know that “praising God” is right in the sight of God but today we will mention it is “comely” also. The word “comely” generally means “beautiful or aesthetically pleasing or attractive”. Keeping that in mind we would like to petition all believers to put on “praise” before God. We are to be clothed in “praise”. Yes, we often find ourselves in the mirror when we first get up in the morning of each day. We (ihlcc) like to look pleasing to each other, so we spend the time necessary to brighten our appearance for each other and others which we interact with during the day. This is primarily because we love each other and putting others before our feelings motivates us to put our best foot forward. Likewise, we should always put our best foot forward when it comes to God. The Good Lord loves us immensely but we can spiritually show our love for Him by “praising God” first thing in the morning because “praise is comely”. We have noticed that fixing your hair to look right is not as easy as only once a day because when the storms of wind or foul weather creep up it becomes necessary to redo our hairdo, so to speak. We must change our shirt during the day if it becomes noticeably stained or odorous through hard work. Likewise, since we are constantly under spiritual attack from the storms and trials of this life we need to praise God during the day to keep ourselves beautiful in the all-seeing Eyes of God. If we can use breath freshener in the natural why can’t we use the spiritual breathe freshener of “Praise” unto our God? Why is it so important to “Praise God’ continuously? Simply put because all those who don’t “praise” God are unattractive in God’s sight. God loves everyone and so should we but that does not mean that everyone looks good to us. No, those who act ugly look ugly too because man looks on the outward appearance whereas God looks on the heart. We would never show up somewhere important dressed in our dirty work cloths so why would we think our spiritual appearance does matter to God. Does the scripture tell us to put the garments of Praise in Isaiah 61:3 to remove the spirit of heaviness (stains on our spirit). Dear faith friend it should matter to you how you look in God’s Eyes and “praise always makes you look good (comely, pleasing) to God. Yes, to be perfectly pleasing to your Heavenly Father we recommend “praising Him” individual in the Name of Jesus. We also strongly recommend “praising” your Lord Jesus Christ for saving your soul and redeeming all those who call upon His Name. Yes, “praise is spiritually comely” to all the Godhead which means we should purpose to please Him (Them, Father, Son and Holy Ghost). Women put on makeup so why not “put on praise?” Many men put on deodorant so why not “put on praise?” Yes, most people put on clothes to look good to all those who look at them, so why not “put on praise?” Yes, “Praise is Comely” to God so do your best to look your best because when you put on Praise you will be at your best. Don’t leave home without it (your praise unto God). Truly we say unto you that when you are beautiful to God you will look better to people also. We (ihlcc) can remember a dear saint of God stating that he thought godly women have a distinct glow about them. He meant this in a positive sense of the radiance of God showing itself strong on all God’s daughters who are close to God. Well we don’t have any problem with his belief because those who come to God in praise are pleasing to God and when you are pleasing to your Creator your spiritual beauty will manifest in this natural realm. “Praise” looks good on all saints so be sanctified in your “praises unto Him” because our Father is Awesome and our Savoir is worthy to be “praised”. Moreover, if you need some help with singing praises unto God by all means put on some good gospel music that glorifies God in love and truth. Music was created to worship and praise God just be sure you know that we don’t have to have music to “praise the Lord” in tongue and in thought. Amen! “Praise is Comely” both now and forever so settle your heart on presenting yourself inward to God with “praise” as your look for each day and as your look unto Him forever. This sure you know “Praise is Comely” is not just a poetic interpretation but rather a Holy Bible truth. Therefore, we are not recommending this as an option but rather calling all saints to obey God’s Word on this subject. Too many people don’t “praise God” so we are looking for all His Children to come through with the “Praises of God” on our lips. This “Praising God” truth (principle) not only makes you look good to God and mankind but it is a sweet smelling fragrance (perfume, cologne) in God’s Nostrils. This means we not only look good to God when we “praise Him” but we smell good too. Yes, we are the complete package in Christ Jesus when we “praise Him” with all of our heart. Who among you could stand to look a little better in the Sight of God and man? Well we have the perfect solution in “Praising our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ” because “Praise is Comely”, so come one and come all to our beautiful God by entering His Courts through “Praise”. Amen!